Work Location:Qingdao,China
Annual salary:500kRMB
岗位职责 Job description:
l 开发利用机器学习和深度学习预测玉米产量与适应性的模型;
Develop machine learning and deep learning methods for predicting hybrid yield and fitness;
l 整合数量遗传学与人工智能用于大规模的遗传特征预测。
Integration of quantitative genetics and artificial intelligence (AI) for large-scale genetic traits
任职要求 Qualifications:
l 生物统计、计算机、遗传育种等相关专业博士学位;
PhD in Statistics, Computer Science, Crop Science, Agronomy, or Plant Genetics etc.;
l 熟练使用 Python 与 R 语言;熟悉 Perl、SQL 或其它编程语言;
Proficiency in Python and R programming language; Familiar with Perl, SQL or other programming
language etc.;
l 熟练使用定量建模技术,如统计模型或机器学习等;
Proficiency in quantitative modeling techniques such as statistics or machine learning;
l 有使用机器学习、人工智能、神经网络技术分析基因组数据或育种数据的经验;
Experience applying Machine Learning, Neural Network, or Artificial Intelligence techniques to
genomic data or breeding data;
l 有较好的沟通能力与团队协作精神。
Good communication skills, team spirit and leadership.
Contact Us
ADDRESS:Ningxia Road#288, Qingdao Software Park building 1 Room 2602, Shinan District, Qingdao, China Postal code 26607
TTEL:+86 18561762383
Please give us a message